Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10.17.22


MINUTES OF MEETING of October 17, 2022

Commissioners  in Attendance:    Dan Harvey,  Cynthia Browning, and Jamie Paustian

Commissioners Absent:  Todd Wilkins and Glenn Sherman

Also in  Attendance: AWD Chief Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, and Janet Barry, via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7:00PM

Agenda Addition: Ms. Browning made a motion to add the purchase of an upgraded solar panel. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Sherman absent.

Public Comments: None

Minutes of the Meeting on August 1, 2022:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 1, 2022. Mr. Paustian seconded. This meeting was held when the July 18,2022 meeting was canceled due to lack of quorum. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Sherman absent.

Briefing of the Chief Operator:  Chief Operator, Burr Snow, said there have been infrastructure upgrades with curb stop replacements, and a major water leak above Town Line Road was repaired, and is saving 35,000 gallons of water per day. It was discussed that a leak on Rt 313 will be a priority, and will be repaired soon.

Old Business:  Otter Creek Study: The Board and Mr. Zaiac discussed moving forward on bidding engineering of compliance solution in the study. It was the sense of the Board to authorize Mr. Zaiac to move forward on bidding the engineering of compliance solution in the study. The study will be reviewed and discussed at a special Water Board meeting in November.

 New Business:  Appeal:  The Board and Mr. Snow discussed a request he received to suspend water service at a house that has been demolished. Water has been off for 2-3 years, and the account payments were up to date. Ms. Browning made a motion to suspend service and billing to account #290. Should homeowners request water be turned back on in the future a $50 charge will be applied. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Sherman being absent.

Lead Line Inventory: Mr. Zaiac spoke to the Board about lead line inventory and compliance. He said two weeks ago the State adopted a new Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan. Arlington was allocated up to $69,128.52 in forgivable loans to prepare inventories of lead and copper piping in the water system by 2024.  Updated loan application information will be available from the State in the next couple of weeks. Mr. Zaiac asked for authorization to prepare an RFP so we are ready to go when funding becomes available, because it will be first come, first serve to receive the funding.  Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize Mr. Zaiac to develop an RFP for the lead compliance inventory study. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Sherman absent.

Water Streets Project: Mr. Zaiac discussed the need to start the process of hiring an engineer to oversee the Water Streets (313 West) line replacement project.  It was discussed that it will be cutting it close in administrative capacity, but the Board was in favor of having Mr. Zaiac prepare an RFP in order to be able to bid this winter for 2023 construction, if he would be able to have the time to do so.

Aged Billables: The Board reviewed the Aged Billables. It was discussed that most of the payment agreements that had been made had been paid with covid relief money. Mr. Zaiac will send a letter to the residents that haven’t been making payments. It was discussed that estates are a big chunk of outstanding balances, and would eventually be paid when estates were settled.

Agenda Addition-Solar Panel Replacement: Mr. Snow said the solar panel needs to be upgraded. A bigger panel is needed to be able to hold a charge. The battery was replaced this summer, so that is not the issue. Mr. Paustian made a motion to approve the purchase of a solar panel from Champlin Associates for $1,939, as a sole source contractor. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Sherman absent.

Mr. Paustian made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.

Minutes taken by Janet Barry

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