Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 7.17.23


MINUTES OF MEETING of July 17, 2023

Commissioners  in Attendance:    Dan Harvey,  Cynthia Browning, and Glenn Sherman

Commissioners Absent:  Todd Wilkins and Jamie Paustian

Also in  Attendance: AWD Chief Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, and Janet Barry, via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7:00PM

Public Comments: None

New Business:  Lead Line Study Award:   There were two proposals for the Lead Line Study. MSK for $68,000, and Dufresne for $100,000. It was discussed that 100% of the cost will be covered by the State. Ms. Browning made a motion to contract with MSK Engineering, for $68,000, for the Lead Line Study Award. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried, with 2 members absent.

Income and Expense Line Creation for Lead Line Study: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the creation of expense and income lines for the Lead Line Study. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried with 2 members absent.

 Briefing of the Chief Operator:  Chief Operator, Burr Snow, said the damage caused by the June 24, 2023 lightening strike on Chiselville Road had been completed with help from the Highway Department on July 5, 2023.  The lightening strike fractured 60 feet of the steel main. Mr. Snow said the Highway Department crew did an excellent job with the project. He said Highway Foreman, Mark Robinson, always wants to do whatever he can do for the good of the Town.

Mr. Zaiac said the engineers with A&E met with the State recently, and he is waiting for confirmation that the State has received information showing Arlington is compliant with previous State requirements. The State will send a letter confirming this status. 

It was a sense of the Commissioners that Mr. Zaiac begin the bidding and re-permitting process for the Water Street 313W project, to be able to get in the ARPA window.

Aged Receivables: The Commissioners and Mr. Zaiac reviewed the Aged Receivables. Mr. Zaiac said shut-off notices, and or payment plan letters, were sent to those with higher balances. He also said some of the high balances had recently been paid with State Aid.

Ms. Browning  made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously with members present, and the meeting adjourned at 7:20PM.

Minutes taken by Janet Barry