TOWN OF ARLINGTON ZBA – Zoning Board of Adjustment WARNING Public Hearing, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont Warned Items: 1. Base of operations permit at 4022 VT Rte 313 W, Lot ID 02-1-06 for James and Donna Menneto. …
Select Board Meeting Minutes 8.22.22
MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD August 22, 2022 Members Present: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Todd Wilkins, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian Members Absent: None Also Present: (In person, or via Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Ali Elwell Zaiac, on behalf of the Arlington Rescue Squad, and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey. Public Comments: …
ZBA Meeting 8.16.22 Postponed
All items will be deferred to the next regular ZBA meeting.
RFP Benedict Crossing Bridge
Town of Arlington Select Board Request For Proposals Benedict Crossing Reconstruction The Arlington Select Board seeks proposals to provide for replacement of the superstructure of the Benedict Crossing bridge, BR#17, located at Benedict Crossing, Arlington, VT 05250. Bid due: 10/21/2022 at 2 pm Eastern time Sealed bids must be submitted to the Town Administrator by mailed to PO Box 304 …
Job Opening- Land Use Administrator
Title: Arlington Seeks Land Use Administrator The Town of Arlington seeks to fill the role of Land Use Administrator. This individual is also expected to hold the independently-appointed Sign Administrator position. The role is compensated at a competitive rate commiserate with experience, for 9-15 hours per week including 2 monthly evening meetings. In addition to wages, the Land Use Administrator …
Draft Minutes-Planning Commission Meeting 7.28.22
TOWN OF ARLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Minutes of Meeting – Thursday July 28, 2022 Members Present: Charles Moore, John Williams, Garret Siegel, Elliott Nachwalter, Sebastian Massey, Tom Williams Michael Murno and Jessica Roberts (LUA), and Nick Zaiac (TA). Attendance Formats: Town Hall, Zoom Video Conferencing or Phone Other Attendees: Cat Bryars (BCRC), Kiki Stuart, Ron Weber and Anne Weber PROCEEDINGS: …
Planning Commission Meeting Warning 8.25.22
TOWN OF ARLINGTON APC – Arlington Planning Commission W A R N I N G Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont Zoom link also posted at Warned Item: Site plan review for a Base of Operations permit at …
Select Board Meeting Minutes 8.8.22
MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD August 8, 2022 Members Present: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Todd Wilkins, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian Members Absent: None Also Present: (In person, or via Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Jessica Roberts-Land Use Administrator, Garrett Siegel, Olavi Wirkki, and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey. Agenda Addition: Ms. Browning …
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