Energy Committee Meeting Minutes 3.6.24

Arlington Energy Committee

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

6:30 – 8:00 pm

At Town Hall and Online

In attendance:

Present in Town Hall: Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Joan Nash, Mary Anne Holmes

On Zoom: Mardi Crane

Absent: Jenny Murtagh, Alexandra Ernst, Karen Lee

1. Call to Order: 6:38pm

2. Approval of Minutes, Feb 7, 2024 AEC meeting: MAH moved to accept; Joan seconded. 4 ayes, 0 nays – accepted.

3. Town Meeting Debriefing

Thanks to members for creating an information flyer re: the AEC for Arlington’s Town Meeting, Monday, 6 March. Fifty were printed; about 12 remained as of Tuesday afternoon at the Australian ballot. Thanks to Steph for her presentation Monday, presenting our 3 key points: 1) Window Dressers; 2) C Tracking Tool, and 3) Energy and Resilience Fair, this coming June 1.

The Arlington Energy Committee members were not listed as town appointments in the Arlington 2023 Town Report, p.10. Steph will seek clarification on why. Mardi so moved; MAH seconded. All ayes, 0 nays.

4. Letter to Select Board to Clarify AEC Recommendations; Briefing Paper for each AEC member

Letter should include a list of recommendations for the town to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. 

The AEC tab on town website needs updating, to include:  

  • the current appointees and alternates
  • the 3 key points from Town Meeting,
  • a list of completed projects, such as light bulb replacement, Window Dressers inserts, carbon tracking tool, etc.  [Steph to ask Nick what the status is on the insulation for town hall],
  • the list of recommendations mentioned above,
  • and ultimately a link to the carbon tracking tool and supporting materials.
  • AEC History: the committee should prepare a comprehensive report of what the AEC has done to date (Mardi to draft). This should also be a part of the orientation packet for new appointees.

Briefing Paper should include: objectives (slightly modified to include “education”); Three Big Achievements of the committee; heat pump update from Town Meeting flyer; information from local businesses on steps they take to reduce C emissions and/or sequester atmospheric C. What tax incentives, grants are available for businesses? 

The AEC should create a two-part “punch list” to include recommendations that have been followed/completed and those that should be considered going forward.  Work with Nick to identify these.

5. AEC Carbon Tracking Tool

It’s time to collect all 2023 data; Joan volunteers to do this. Another member will help audit her results.

Schools have been added to the template. Steph will contact the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union to ensure they are not tracking C, so we do not double-count.

Need more info on “prediction” columns in Tool. Joan to discuss with Karen.

6. Good News Energy & Resilience Fair Update

Subcommittee meetings 8:30-9:30am Friday mornings. Legislative Rep Seth Bongartz will attend. Karen is working on the Save-the-Date ad and has already posted the event on GNAT’s community calendar. The Lions Club and the Boy Scouts of Arlington are ready to help. The committee needs to reach out to the community for additional help with set-up/take-down, food, music, etc.

7. Window Dressers: Next Build: October 17-23, 2024. Still waiting to hear if it will be at the American Legion.

8. Biochar discussion: tabled, due to lack of time

Joan motioned to adjourn at 7:58pm; MAH seconded. 4 ayes, 0 nays.

Next Meeting: April 3, 6:30pm when Marcus Jones will give a presentation on Living Buildings.

Minutes respectfully prepared by Mary Anne Holmes with assistance from Steph.

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