Select Board Meeting Minutes 7.24.23



July 24, 2023 

Members Present:  Dan Harvey,  Cynthia Browning, and Jamie Paustian 

Members Absent:   Todd Wilkins, Glenn Sherman 

Also Present:  Nick Zaiac-Town Administrator, Dara Zink- BCRC, Carmen Ligato-GNAT videographer, Janet Barry (via Zoom) 

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM, by Mr. Harvey.  

Agenda Addition: Mr. Paustian made a motion to appoint a bidding agent for the Town Tax Sale. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried, with 2 absent. 

Public Comments:  None 

Minutes of the Meeting of July 10, 2023: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2023, as presented. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, with 2 members absent. 

New Business:  Emergency Management Discussion with Dara Zink: Ms. Zink was at the meeting in her new position as Emergency Management Program Manager for BCRC. She and the Board had a preliminary discussion about the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, that will expire next year. Ms. Zink said she’d like to have hazard condition exercises jointly with other towns, perhaps this fall. It was discussed that this is a good opportunity to look at all the potential hazardous issues that the Town should be prepared for, and that there will be warned committee meetings in the future as the plan is worked out. She said there are some new FEMA requirements that will have to be updated in the Town’s new plan. She will get figures for the general budget amount that will be needed.  

Appoint Bidding Agent for Tax Sale:  Ms. Browning made a motion to appoint Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac, as the bidding agent for the Arlington Tax Sale, on July 25, 2023,  with Mr. Harvey as alternate. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried, with 2 members absent.  

Request for Proposals; Energy Consultant: Mr. Zaiac and the Board discussed seeking proposals for a consultant to support the Energy Committee volunteer efforts in their study of the Town’s carbon usage. The proposals will need to be submitted to Mr. Zaiac by 8/17/23, with the project to be completed by 11/1/23. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize a RFP for an Energy Consultant for data analysis and presentation for the Arlington Energy Committee. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried, with 2 members absent.  

Project Updates: Mr. Zaiac spoke to the Board about the revised Planning Commission bylaws that are completed. Ms. Browning expressed concern that the Select Board had not been able to edit them. Mr. Zaiac said these have been worked on for approximately eighteen months, and that the Select Board had him as a representative in the planning meetings, and that he is confident the new bylaws focus on making rules simpler to understand, adds clarity, flowcharts and graphics.  

Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant C23-7, from the Yellow Barn CRF Fund, dated 7/18/23, in the amount of $1,378.18, for slate roof repairs. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried, with two members absent.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #14, from the General account, dated 7/19/23,   in the amount of $29,590.47, with biggest components being BC/BS health insurance payments, GMP, and VLCT insurance payments.  Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with two members absent.  

WD Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #14, dated 7/20/23, in the amount of $3,825.46,  with  key components being insurance, BC/BS, and GMP paymenst.   Mr. Paustian seconded. The motion passed unanimously, with 2 members absent.  

Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of personnel and legal issues would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Paustian. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of personnel and legal issues and to allow Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac to remain in the room. Seconded by Mr. Paustian. The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:07PM. The Board exited Executive Session at 8:28PM. No decisions were reached as a result of the Session.   

All Other Business:  Mr. Paustian said the Highway crew had done a beautiful job ditching and cleaning up on River Road.  

Mr. Paustian made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:29PM.