Selectboard Meeting Minutes 8.23.21



August 23, 2021

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning, Todd Wilkins, and Glenn Sherman

Members Absent:  None

Also Present:   (In person, phone or Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Ben Tietze and Michael LaCroix-VTrans, Ali Elwell Zaiac, Mark Towslee-Highway Foreman, Brian Hawley-Highway crew member, Jamie Paustian-Fire Warden, Mike King-Fire Chief, Scott Seidel, Larry Poletti, Denise Koller, Sharon Rosenthal,  Darren Marcy-Manchester Journal, Burr Snow-AWD Chief Operator,  and Janet Barry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey

Public Comments:  None

Minutes of the Meeting of Aug. 9, 2021. Mr. Wilkins made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the previous meeting of Aug. 9, 2021. Ms. Browning seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Highways:    Highway Foreman Mark Towslee said the crew has been working on drainage issues. Ms. Browning asked Mr. Zaiac to look into a report of old cars being in the river in Sandgate.

313 & Warm Brook Draft Scoping Report: Michael LaCroix and Ben Tietze from VTrans were at the meeting to present a draft of a scoping report for the intersection of 313 & Warm Brook Road. It is the first stage of scoping, and studying traffic and crash data. The need to reduce speed of vehicles and enhance visibility was discussed.  Mr. Tietze said they would return for another meeting to continue to gather feedback from the residents that utilize the area. An option of a roundabout was discussed as a possible solution, but it was agreed that short term solutions are also needed. Mr. LaCroix took notes throughout the presentation and discussion, that will be available on the VTrans website.

Old Business:  Fire Truck RFP Proposals: It was decided that the bid documents would not be available to the Board at this time, to allow for height adjustments on the RFP and for the Fire Department to then review and advise. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the RFP to an adjusted maximum height of 10 feet 6 inches for the cab and to extend the RFP three calendar weeks. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Browning asked the Fire Department members present if they use PFOA foam, and was informed they do not use those chemicals.

Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement:  The Board was given a Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement to review, which would be a contract between the Town and the US Forest Service. Mr. Zaiac suggested any decisions be held until the final agreement is sent from the US Forest Service, and until the Town’s legal council can review the agreement.

Fire Department Insurance: The possibility of providing insurance for Fire Department members using their private vehicles, as well as having insurance to cover the Town needing to borrow vehicles, such as an ATV, boat, or snowmobile to be able to provide emergency access to difficult fire or accident areas. Personal liability for any Fire Department member driving these vehicles was also mentioned.  It was decided that it is a complicated issue, and Mr. Zaiac will check with insurance companies for coverage, and possibly other Vermont towns to see how they handle similar situations.

Insurance Reimbursement for Fire Response Calls: It was briefly discussed that insurance companies should reimburse the Fire Department for accident response calls, and that this had happened in the past. Mr. Bykowski said there are 3rd party companies that can handle this type of billing if needed. The matter will be checked into when the situation arises.

Red Mountain Project Update: Ms. Browning had sent a memo to the Board and Mr. Zaiac with updates on the Red Mountain Project. An extension had been granted until the end of October to allow for more time to obtain easements and look for solutions to other issues associated with the project. Mr. Zaiac has been working on obtaining easements, and will hike the property again to see if all the rain this season has caused a need for more extensive repairs to the trails. He will photograph and report to the Board at the next meeting. Ms. Browning said she is concerned with stewardship costs, and would like to obtain information from an expert as to the continued costs to maintain the trails. She is also going to ask for a further discount, about the $50,000 the Conservation Fund is already contributing to the purchase, due to the fact that there has been little maintenance done since the Conservation Fund has owned the property, to cover any additional costs, and to not burden the property tax payers.  She is also going to confirm with the Park and Rec Committee that all funds raised will be under the control of the Town. Mr. Harvey opened the meeting for any comments from the public. Ms. Rosenthal asked about various access points. Mr. Zaiac said the will be access from North Tory Lane with the consent of the relative landowners, and there are ongoing negotiations with property owners north from Sandgate. He said Wilcox Road is no longer an option. Parking negotiations are also continuing.

New Business: Heating Oil Pre-Buy:   The Board and Mr. Zaiac discussed the option to pre-buy fuel oil for Town Hall, the Garage and firehouses, as was done last year. Mr. Harvey said the Town has historically used Miles Fuels. It was decided that a pre-buy from Miles Fuel, at the offered price of $2.47 per gallon, was again the best option for the upcoming year. It was also asked that the past year’s figures for usage be obtained from Miles to accurately bill for this year. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve a pre-buy of fuel oil for $2.47 from Miles Fuel of Arlington. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The new contract will be signed when it is received from Miles Fuel.

Municipal Planning Grant: Mr. Zaiac provided the Board with a resolution to approve a Town application for the Municipal Planning Grant. The Board previously voted to approve participation, but the State sent an updated resolution form. This allows the Regional Commission management and execution of this grant. It is set to have the needed approval of the Planning Commission at their meeting on Thursday, August 26, 2021. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Resolution of the Municipal Planning Grant. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Oak Supplier:  Mr. Zaiac and the Board reviewed the three bids to purchase oak for the redecking of the West Arlington Covered Bridge.  A highway grant will reimburse 80% of expenses associated with the project. Mr. Zaiac said a fourth bid came in late, but was three times the amount of the other bids. Labor costs are continuing to be sourced.  It was discussed that Paulson Wood Products from Petersburg NY could offer certainty in the delivery, and they are a recommended vendor. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the covered bridge oak from Paulson Wood Products from Petersburg NY for $2,835.00, plus $100.00 delivery fee for a total of $2,935.00. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

ISWAP Contract: Mr. Zaiac had provided the Board with an ISWAP contract between Casella Waste Management, Arlington, and four other towns, two of which had already approved the contract. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the ISWAP Contract dated 5/25/21, as presented. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Administrator Report:  Mr. Zaiac asked the Board if they had any questions about the report he had presented to them. Mr. Bykowski asked about a pile of netting that has been at the park. Mr. Zaiac said it is the newly purchased netting, still waiting to be installed. It was discussed that if the vendor cannot install the net in the near future, the highway department will be asked if they can do it once the ground is frozen. Mr. Zaiac reminded the Board about the Town wide celebration that is being held on Saturday, August 28, 2021, with kick off at 5:00PM and fireworks at 8:30PM.

Executive Session: Mr. Bykowski made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the discussion of a personnel issue and to allow Town Administrator Nick Zaiac, and Water Department employee Burr Snow, to reman in the room. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried. The Board entered into Executive Session at 9:04PM. The Board exited Executive Session at 9:24PM with no decisions made as the result of the session.

Water Department:  Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve Warrant #WD16, in the amount of $2,871.44, notable items being GMP and Blue Cross payments. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve Warrant #16, from the General Fund, in the amount of $37,299.31, notable items being Blue Cross premium, over the rail mower rental, and $17,450.00 to Woodard Construction for the recent storm repair. There will be State reimbursement for the storm related expenses including labor.  Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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