Selectboard Minutes 2.19.18

FEBRUARY 19, 2018

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Timothy Williams
Members Absent: Reggie Jennings Jr.
Also Present: Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV

The meeting was called to order at 7:26pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Minutes Meeting of February 5, 2018: Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 5, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

Highway: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew continues to work on storms.
Certificate of Highway Mileage: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize signature of the 2018 Highway Certificate of Mileage. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.
Storm Water Permit Fees: Ms. Browning reported that the Legislature is working on this issue at present.
7A Sidewalk Selection Committee: Mr. Squires reported that BCRC has three (3) proposals from engineering firms to do the construction design for the 7A sidewalk. He noted that there needs to be a committee to work on the selection with Mark Anders at BCRC. Mr. Harvey and Mr. Williams volunteered to be on this committee.
Sand for the Public: There was discussion on the fact that the Town needs to have a separate area for the public to pick up sand in the winter. Mr. Squires and the Highway Foreman will look at different areas and perhaps Miles Lumber can help with this.

Water Department: WD Warrants & Orders: Bond Bank Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment from the Bond Bank account for a total of $33,570.27 from Order #B29 dated February 19, 2018 with $3,570.27 going to Aldrich & Elliott for Project # 16077.000 Invoice # 77468, and $30,000.00 to the Bank of Bennington for principal on interest. Seconded by Ms. Browning Motion carried. Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $18,733.67 from the Water Department Operating Account Order # WD Warrant #3 dated February 19, 2018. Seconded by Ms. Browning In discussion, Mr. Squires noted that there is an invoice for $8700.00 for Aldrich & Elliott and there is a reimbursement to the Bond Bank Account of $1900.00 that was mistakenly paid out of the Bond Bank Account on November 6, 2017. Motion carried. Interest Payment: Mary noted that Robin asked the Board to make a motion to pay the interest on the loan as there will not be another regular Selectboard meeting until March 12th and the interest is due February 28, 2018. Mr. Harvey made a motion to allow the Treasurer to pay the upcoming Loan Interest payment which will be due on February 28, 2018. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mary stated that she would make a warrant order out and Board members could some in to sign it on Monday the 26th.

Old Business: Camping on the Battenkill: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize a total payment of $4392.00 with $3800.00 to Neil Krawczyk for invoice #1 dated February 5, 2018 for removal of trees and brush prior to excavation for plumbing and electrical lines at Camping on the Battenkill, and $592.00 to the State of Vermont of an Act 250 permit for work at Camping on the Battenkill. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. This payment will come from the FEMA Hazard Mitigation special account.
Planning Commission Meeting: Ms. Browning asked that Mr. Harvey or Mr. Squires be present at the Planning Commission meeting Thursday February 22, 2018. Mr. Harvey stated that he would be present. Ms. Browning also noted that there will be a ZBA meeting on Wednesday February 28th. She will contact Mr. Jennings regarding being present at that meeting.
Battenkill North: Mr. Squires reported that we are finally at the point where “the money starts to flow”. Arlington – as the lead Town – now has to file for request for payment. Mr. Squires noted that the request has been approved, and the check will be coming down to the Town of Arlington at some point this week. It will go into a non-interest bearing account for the Town of Arlington. There is a new rule (State of Vermont) that this type of funding cannot be held for a period of more than ten (10) days. Mr. Squires stated that funds should be deposited no later than Wednesday February 21, 2018. Mr. Squires stated that the Town then has to disperse the funds. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize Mr. Squires to process the order for payment of $203,496.00 to Battenkill North Housing Partnership as reimbursement -to Battenkill North- for past payments they have already made. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried. There will be a warrant order made out for Board members to sign outside of a regular meeting.

New Business: Liquor Licenses: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the renewal of the second class liquor license for Heer Inc. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.
Boundary & Annexation Survey (BAS): Mr. Squires reported that every year the survey must be completed and signed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize signature of the BAS. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $312.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrator for the period of February 4, 2018 through February 17, 2018 as noted on Payroll Order # 8B dated February 19, 2018. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Williams, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order # 3 dated February 20, 2018 for the total amount of $24,363.08. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried.

All Other Business: Interviews for Job Applicants: Interviews for job applicants for the Land Use position and the Administrative Assistant’s position will continue this Saturday the 24rth

starting at 9am. Mary noted that there was a candidate who could not make the two Saturday interview dates and asked if the Board could come in to interview this candidate on Monday February 26th in the forenoon. Mary stated that she would have to warn this out as there would be at least three selectboard members. There was discussion on this issue. There will be a quorum of Board members present for 10:30 Monday the 26th.

Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Harvey Motion carried. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried. The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:37pm. The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:44pm. There were no actions or motions taken as a result of the Executive Session.

Mr. Harvey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:46pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
cc: files, Town Clerk

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