Water Meeting Minutes 1.30.23


MINUTES OF MEETING of January 30, 2023

Commissioners  in Attendance:   Cynthia Browning,  Glenn Sherman, and Jamie Paustian

Commissioners Absent: Dan Harvey, and Todd Wilkins

Also in  Attendance: AWD Chief Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, and Janet Barry, via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Browning at 7:30PM

Public Comments: None

Minutes of the Meeting on October 17, 2022:  Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 2022 were unable to be approved because Mr. Sherman was not in attendance at that meeting and Mr. Harvey was not at the current meeting. The minutes will be approved at the next scheduled Water Meeting.

New Business:  2023 Budget:  Mr. Zaiac and the Commissioners reviewed the budget for 2023. They discussed having the interest payment money that was not spent in the pandemic now being used for the Otter Creek Study. It was discussed that insurance premiums have increased,  and that a  3% raise for the Chief Operator was all that could be afforded in the new budget.

It was discussed that it must be made clear in the Town Report that the rate payers, not the tax payers, finance the Water Department budget, to avoid confusion.

Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Water Department budget for 2023 as presented on 1/30/2023. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Wilkins absent.

Lead Line Study RFP:  Mr. Zaiac prepared a RFP for an inventory of lead and copper lines as is now a federal rule. The State offered an interest free, forgivable loan for up to $67,000. Spring of 2024 is the deadline for work to be done. Mr. Paustian made a motion to approve the RFP, dated 1/30/2023, for lead line study in compliance with federal lead and copper rule. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Wilkins absent.

Briefing of the Chief Operator:  Chief Operator, Burr Snow, said the leak across from the Yellow Barn was repaired, with the curb valve and box replaced. It was mentioned that the area disturbed to make the repairs will be touched up for the homeowner in the spring.  Mr. Snow said there was a dig on E. Arlington Road for a suspected leak but digging twenty feet down did not show the leak. It will be researched further in the spring.  He said the hydrant in need of repair on Dutch Lane has had to be black bagged. It was raised eighteen inches out of the water table, but Mr. Snow is working with EJ Prescott to get the parts needed for final repairs.

Mr. Snow said water production is historically low, and there have been no water main breaks this winter.

Aged Billables: The Commissioner discussed the Aged Billables with Mr. Zaiac. He said he will assess balances in the next month to reconfirm everyone is on track with payments, after the Covid relief money having cleared out a lot of the previous large balances. He said some commercial customers will be sent letters about the large balances that need to be made current. Ms. Browning asked about the status of the South Road Project. Mr. Zaiac said Otter Creek is still studying the issues and he will follow up with them in the near future and Mr. Snow said he will start working with the engineers soon.

Mr. Paustian made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:18PM.

Minutes taken by Janet Barry

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