Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10.17.22

ARLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF MEETING of October 17, 2022 Commissioners  in Attendance:    Dan Harvey,  Cynthia Browning, and Jamie Paustian Commissioners Absent:  Todd Wilkins and Glenn Sherman Also in  Attendance: AWD Chief Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, and Janet Barry, via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7:00PM Agenda Addition: Ms. Browning …

Planning Commission Meeting Warning 10.27.22

TOWN F ARLINGTON  Planning Commission  WARNING  Public Hearing, Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 7:00 PM  Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the  Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont  Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84751822900?pwd=eU9oQllYRHE1dStMRzVsTHIzR0o4dz09  Warned Items:  Base of operations permit at 4022 VT Rte 313 W, Lot ID 02-1-06 for Big Big LLC  This hearing is …

Arlington Energy Committee Agenda 10.5.22

Arlington Energy Committee Agenda Wednesday, October 5, 2022 7:00 to 8:30pm IN PERSON AT THE TOWN HALL and ONLINE CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING OLD BUSINESS 3.1 Status report on efficiency efforts, Nick 3.2 Status on Arlington’s Energy/CO2 Emissions Analysis/ Arlington Community Carbon Bank/Next steps: All (progress on reaching out to Holmes, Watkins, Pavlovich?)  Field Trips update 3.4 Important …

Energy Committee Agenda 10.5.22

Arlington Energy Committee Agenda Wednesday, October 5, 2022 7:00 to 8:30pm IN PERSON AT THE TOWN HALL and ONLINE CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING OLD BUSINESS 3.1 Status report on efficiency efforts, Nick 3.2 Status on Arlington’s Energy/CO2 Emissions Analysis/ Arlington Community Carbon Bank/Next steps: All (progress on reaching out to Holmes, Watkins, Pavlovich?)  Field Trips update 3.4 Important …

ZBA Warning 10.18.22

TOWN OF ARLINGTON ZBA – Zoning Board of Adjustment WARNING Public Hearing, Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84003851630?pwd=RUlaZ3VKbDlCdjkvcEdqd1NmTEpmQT09 Warned Items: 1. Base of operations permit at 4022 VT Rte 313 W, Lot ID 02-1-06 for James …

Select Board Meeting Minutes 9.26.22

MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD September 26, 2022 Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Todd Wilkins, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian Members Absent:  Cynthia Browning Also Present:  (In person, or via Zoom) Ali Elwell Zaiac, Steve McClafferty, Troy Rich, and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey. Public Comments:   Mr. Harvey asked for public comments unrelated to …

Wastewater Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 9.1.22

Arlington Wastewater Subcommittee 9/1/2022 Meeting Minutes Members Present:  Steve McClafferty, Dan Harvey, Andy Curtis, Jamie Paustian, Members Absent:  Cynthia Browning, Andrew Rodriguez, Matt Bykowski Also Present: Nick Zaiac, Don Keelan, Jon Ashley (DuBois & King), Robert Clark and Craig Jewett (Otter Creek Engineering), Jason Dolmetsch, Patrick Smart, and Nicholas Ratzer (MSK Engineers) Call to Order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Harvey Motion …